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Characters Parade

Charade is my compound word for Character Parade and what leads many marching toward a higher calling. This article though is about “you” and how others see your character. About legal strategy, your human rights - your freedoms! An important part of your ultimate solution here involves examining it. Many of you won’t need it unless you are truly uncertain or compromised. The average person doesn’t need to prove character in normal life situations they aren’t that bad. We are all judged but the good news is - we all get to create our own… Take a look at some of these pictured to know you’re not alone. So some are really out there and for you guys I can only suggest you think rationally. Save your clowning characters for fun in the sun. Unless you’re going into politics or a VIP position, you probably won’t come under the microscope - so just try to appear sane! And that’s almost a double entendre - but mostly why we’re here. Some of us are more creative than others and normal is relative.

Why did I get the results I did filing my criminal complaint - justice is blind right? We’re all supposed to be treated the same? Well, maybe we would be, if we were but I have trust issues so act preemptively starting with first impressions. This is how we get when facing retaliation for telling the truth. For many of us we have to be because sometimes we’re pitted against others – like corrupt law enforcement in my case. So our words have to be believed above and beyond the truth and still be true… After all they say “tell it to the judge” and hopefully you’ll get that chance if needed…

Speaking English for many of us, our understanding must be defensively on the offensive meaning you must stand up for yourself! Be rational, intelligible, proactive and calculated. Knowing that my situation might lead me to a legal mess I was long thought-out.

I’m not an acting teacher, but I’m in a writer/philosopher role today. Reading some of what I write can save you some time with research. For me it was like opening a window into an opportunity to understanding my own stuck mindset. Then during my research I’m reading about the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” (UDHR) - as we all should. It exposed cracks in my own convictions. The things we think are unimportant are now front and center like human rights – hmmm?

Yes, starting after WW2 and the Nazis in 1945 the United Nations was formed out of an urgent necessity by many different nations; 55 altogether and realized many very diverse intelligent ideas. Discussions of human rights were inevitable and imperative after the horrors of the time. That brings us to “characters.” Yours, mine, everyone’s…

To write about character you should have a basic understanding of many things including its importance, as related to TIs – which varies by country. I mean what does character matter if you don’t understand what it means to others and the legal system for you? We put it forward as our face to the world. Some of you may have gone beyond that to swear an actual oath or allegiance… Bringing to mind the “Hippocratic Oath“ taken in medicine as a pledge of honor to “do no harm.”

There’s the actual “Oath of Honor in Law Enforcement” which I’m sure we all know… Then of course here the lawyers or the ABA (American Bar Association) say; A prerequisite of your license is your inviolable promise that you will always support and defend the Constitution in all situations.

Having been to a few trials - I remember a defense trial attorney once asking me to describe his client on trial - in front of the entire jury. He was someone I knew as a teen; he was interested in his character - what he was like socially.

See what I mean? It’s these times - these others care - the regular societal machinery making the world go round. Leaders – followers, all of the above. Everything you do affects how you are perceived - judged. So, like it or not, your actions become observed as part of your character’s reputation. Relevance takes on a higher priority during life’s trials.

Oddly enough, mine is a completely created persona of “myself” actually. I use and modify it depending on my present audience. Stealth is not an option for my creation, but why do we care? Character you may never notice until you know you need it. Like for certain lines of work; law enforcement, medicine, lawyer, clergy, politician, teacher or when you’re on trial… I think much of my phony negative profile was by people projecting who are mostly part of a conspiracy. I myself am detached from my surroundings – dissociated. I - like anyone else in the world am on my own wave lengths. I don’t entrain well with others, in groups or even populations.

This brings us back to “Hippocrates,” yes the Greek physician/philosopher - that far back. That’s how long this character stuff has been going on and prior to…

Where does this need for reputation originate? In the time of Hippocrates they were writing about this because in certain circles trust is everything - like in medicine, law, religion - teaching. There is a need for trust! Did I ever tell you guys about how many legal debacles I’ve been involved with? Don’t fret, I have no real criminal involvement other than phony association, allegations or peripherally, but that’s what I mean about character. I didn’t smash the pumpkin on that doorstep when I was little? I’ll confess; NO, I didn’t but I was there and saw who did. I guess that made me an accomplice after the fact cause I didn’t tell. Big confession right?

Yes I jest, I actually have seen so much more than I’ll admit to, but for me personally I’ve no need to. And but this after-all has to do with you and how others see your character related to your reputation and that is built through many different qualities. Like wisdom which requires learning!

You know when reading about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), I realized how it’s the things we don’t think about that often challenge and affect us profoundly.

Somewhere along the same related lines… Everyone is obliged to find ways to work together. “Universal” is a word I took for granted; when it comes to human rights the world is a big place.

Race, nationality, gender, sexual preference, religion, ethnicity, borders, politics, it all matters to so many of us. It leads us to wars, torture, executions and so many other of the world’s ills.

Where we need to go ultimately is when getting your results and that’s when any of this will make sense. Throughout all my legal concerns I was always my best character witness and you should be yours.

---Written by the author Robert Torres (2024)

Yes folks, well, more thoughts to ponder and that helped me!







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