Don't call it Empire

from COS 4 - Chapter 14

So, we have arrived at our destination and just in time too! Didn’t have the intention to write about some of this but it happened. The story is also the solution; It could be right? But it isn’t subliminal so most of this is at face value. And this whole time period has been the same way - going off on its own like an amateur narrated improvisation. It’s made me take notice of some deeper understandings I hadn’t before - even in myself. I’ve come to the realization that there are many more people that feel targeted than ever before. But even in the “land of the free” we’re not all the same because some of us knew it all along. While others in the general public never even thought such a thing existed here. No one did but perhaps the police-state top echelon. Being an American born and raised I don’t want to come off as a non-conformist basher. But non-conformist is not the same as “Anarchist” and anarchist seems to be but a slang of its original meaning. 

Yes, this country owes a lot to original true anarchism! And yes, I do see what’s going on - the same as most of you. I’ll call it “EVIL though!” Only I continue for no obvious good reasons with an optimism. However I’m not naive or don’t want to feel that I am. So I tend to stick with evil as the face of the mysteriously incentivized, highly organized shadow dark forces. Not the government’s official standing position. And not the same mentality as many others who cast suspicion at some “Deep State” conspiracy! Although I know there is some bleed-over involvement like a second shadow “EVIL Empire” bigger picture government agenda.

Bring it On 
Targeted and Public

One difference that separates us from them and or each other is that many may be honorable, but foolhardy. Bringing this upon themselves; Like Assange – admirably but self-destructively getting involved in American politics. And I know much of this may sound unpopular, but if you’re anything like me, “we” don’t go looking to be targeted. My nominal contribution was through written words. But mostly I was targeted for simply existing… I don’t blend in with everyone or play nice cause I’m not a team player. All the things that stand out to those looking for that criteria. Plus I wasn’t a functioning insider to anything. I didn’t join a militia, gang, police informers-network or whatever they’re called. I was just a lone potentially easy prey musician!

Now it’s so interesting to me because thinking this was intended to be my last book in this series. I could never foresee how the world would change. Then suddenly the entire country explodes with people feeling targeted over everything. Even Elon Musk says he's being targeted for not paying more taxes. And of course the rest of America being over taxed. Yes, the flamboyant to the obscure everyone is staking a claim. And so obviously, it seems almost like a beckoning. “Continue writing; ‘keep speaking out’” – the voices in my head keep saying. There’s more; We look around and see this stuff going on every day in different parts of the world - but here? Much of our citizenry are beginning to actually feel like they’re living under totalitarianism. Right or wrong, just look what happened at our US capitol and many other focal points around the US. I can’t get into anyone else’s brain but I believe that many were never targeted like me. Literally these program were not meant to target everyone but now look what’s happening.

Do we have freedom or don’t we? I feel like I have to say something. The fact is that I have no choice but to love America for the sake of my progeny. Is it always the same – can you love the land? The land is where we find and give life meaning. The populations are where we find the multitudes of conflicting ideologies and mentalities. As screwed up as the state has treated me, I understand how even the most extreme of others also feel. This doesn’t mean that I agree with anyone else’s reasonings, tactics, methodologies or ideologies. I do understand only the desire to be heard over the hordes when you feel no one’s listening. For no matter what reason and especially when most have so little control in our day to day lives and world events that affect us all.

Famous targeted early revolutionists

Half the country or more are now feeling targeted for their “political” views. “Desperate times sometimes call for desperate measures” – voices are crying. This US has always been an experiment, but are we the people really the one’s always having to be experimented on? And now more than ever these words mean so much more than most will ever know. And most because they knowingly choose not to want to… IMHO of course. But now - so you don’t get me wrong, it is because this historically is just cyclical for us. And again, because that’s how our entire country was originally built. This history excerpt below is from something I wrote a few years back but again becomes relevant: - after some research;

The entire American-revolution started over class distinctions and unfairness and the early patriots formed secret clandestine groups like the “Sons of Liberty.” Because they had the fear of being targeted for their political to revolutionary thinking. They feared the establishment back then being the British Redcoats. Ironically, we would succeed only to replace them with our own police-state. It seems like this is just a standard procedural formula for empire building. Just don’t call it an empire!

---Written by the author Robert Torres (2024)







COS Series