
This article is about entrapment which is almost always invisible to most. It was written based on my own experiences, research and results which were substantial for me working within the laws of the US. Many of us have a limited knowledge of these methods and therefore remain oblivious. But anyone can easily be entrapped just by being setup. Like I’ve been more than once.

Luckily most of what was happening to me was done illegally through law enforcement efforts - the same as most of you. My only saving grace is that when I say I was already under surveillance by overlapping agencies it was real. This meant that I didn’t have to try too hard to prove anything cause it was all being observed. This is unfortunate for many of you who are wrong. When no one is really watching or filing complaints, then there’s no one to back up your claims.

There are only two kinds of people in this world and I say there are really only one, which means we are all subjects to the empire. The cliché goes that we are all responsible for our own successes or failures but do you know anyone being left alone? I do, because there’s freedom with an asterisk if you’re a TI. While running my own business, some of my friends were left alone by the police state machinery and made millions. I on the other hand was never left alone; I was constantly going through harassments, shakedowns and outright sabotage.

This was the reason I contacted the feds in the first place. The attempted setups were constant with planted people, evidence and created theatre scenarios. Sometimes over the top and often extending into prospective clients and or customers to destroy my business. This happened to none of the other business owners I personally knew. Almost everyone I knew that kept their noses clean were left alone aside from me.

I found that part of the targeting involves subtly altering your surroundings (environment) so as to appear normal, coincidental or preferably not happening. Also, this is such a huge issue for us but even and especially as it relates to every facet of our lives and the world. People are being setup - not using legitimate investigations, reliable sources or means. These are normal tactics used in accepted predatory police state country procedures. These were exposed in senate hearings in my article about US Fusion centers. Our concerns then are strictly relating to these abuses.

Well but I just have to say something that most people just don’t know or refuse to believe! Almost all of your set-ups are disguised to appear as of your own doings. But why don’t most people recognize this and what would be the motivation? Most of you are just average people - like everyone else. Right?

Normal people aren’t political, protestors, conscientious objectors or anarchists. Definitely not believers in freedom. So then what’s the value to the state institutions targeting normal citizens? Most good citizens excluding myself will look inward for the justifications. Why is this happening to me? There must be a reason! The goal then is to instill this doubt to get you corralled. And then jammed up like they did for the DC protests or like they do every day for any given thing or reason. It’s a delicate balance between our constitutional rights and national security. And but I’m not talking about armed militias when it comes to us. Which btw are their own “Catch 22” the rights of safeguarding against overreaching government are criminalized by that same overreaching government. So much for beliefs in dutiful obligations…
I know because it was being done to me on a regular basis by different agencies using sinister methods and actors. I can recognize when the same methods are being used on others. Creating fictitious situations for me because there were no real ones of value and no reasons to invade my life. A lot of theatre and drama; After all, the troops must be trained then entertained!

The “why” is usually left as speculative interpretation for you or other “real” victims of shams… I don’t have to read or watch the results in the media to recognize an operation. Almost no one in the US will know when they are the principle of one of these operations. Also this is because many of the targets are usually not wholly innocent victims. Often, these actions require culpability. Inadvertently inviting in their own demise.

I was often setup to be jammed up for things that weren’t actually real. You may have read examples of some real incidents I’ve written in articles or books and they often seemed spontaneous, but were more than likely planned opportunities. What sometimes appeared as chance occurrences were actually well thought out. And on these occasions, our situations are intelligence vs counter intelligence kind of things. With me they were because they had to be. When you are attacked like this, it’s usually because the upper hand is considered a given.

This simply means that the perps underestimate you while overestimating themselves. This isn’t because of anything more than a presumption that you’re clueless and powerless. This in turn because of an obvious imbalance of power situations - they are often intelligence based groups and you are just a normal civilian. On top of that, people usually have no reason to suspect or then believe they are being (entrapped) scammed.

The only reason I would be any different is because I’ve been through this kind of stuff forever. And also, because I’m tight lipped for the most part about any of my counter measure thinking of any significance. I usually recognize suspected ill will or intent and here’s an inside tip on this, they are usually obvious.

They often know when plots are planned because the plotters are also organized and planted with infiltrators or susceptible to it. Lone predators are just that and so out of all this, the innocent citizens are among the easiest targets. Why then, would be for just that reason and for the already allocated funds set aside to combat and control innocent citizen populations… I hope that this was all explained well enough!!!

---Written by the author Robert Torres (2024)

This may or may not be the entire article I meant to write, so keep an eye open for updates which may turn into a book “Entrapment” or “Trapped” or something like that!!! I know that most of you want to find an opening to the escape. That’s why I write these science articles and it’s because the way out is not by guessing – it requires “different thinking.”






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