Fusion Centers of America

From COS 1 – chapter 2

Like the SS, the US wants to make it your obligatory duty to watch and inform on your neighbors - with the reward of good citizenship... This works to some degree for isolating the TIs but is of a limited use for the masses. For TIs you must keep in mind that Michael Aquino promotes the idea of convincing the enemy that there is no way they can win before there is even a war. Hence: his book “PsyOps to Mind War” psychological warfare or “Mind War” and it doesn’t have to be true. Like propaganda, the enemy only has to believe it’s true.

So in order to move their agenda forward, the government must create a problem so the people will demand a solution. In the US it’s “False Flag Terrorism” and we satisfy this formula by curtailing civil liberties. This allows for more government intrusions into our private lives. After the Boston Bombings they locked down entire neighborhoods and searched every single home. Could you see the ramifications of creating a false flag? The government could then employ a police state under the guise of homeland security.

After 9-11 the DHS created 78 state and regional “Fusion Centers” to gather information on potential terrorists. They do this by enlisting local law enforcement, emergency management, public health and private corporations. They also bring in federal agencies like the FBI and believe it or not the military. Data is then shared throughout the network of participants.

In a report presented in 2012 to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, the Aspen Institute of Homeland Security Group advises: “We move away from a defensive position of protecting the country from foreign terror threats. Instead we should focus on becoming a domestic security architecture concentrating on offensive measures on single adversaries.”

This statement translates into “targeting citizens.” The report suggests that the mechanisms created in the wake of 9-11 to go after terrorists be refocused to include drug cartels, organized crime and a more all-inclusive approach or what is described vaguely as “emerging adversaries within our borders.” It’s an anti-terrorist war machine turned into a domestic law enforcement super-tool. What’s going on here people, was it all a sham?

What other explanation can there be? This makes perfect sense because in this same two-year investigation they found that these “Fusion Centers’” efforts to compile local intelligence data have not yielded any significant useful information on terrorism. Remember, this whole machine was originally put into motion long ago with these black budget military projects. So it falls right into line with the way it’s always been and the way it was always meant to be. The anti-terrorist angle given the track record doesn’t hold water.

“Now I can’t stress the importance of this paragraph and this entire topic of the DHS enough! It MATTERS that you understand who many of these people really are.”

The US currently trains “Terrorism Liaison Officers” (TLOs) to identify potential domestic targets. These TLOs represent their organizations but report directly to the Fusion Centers. TLOs are appointed by their state, local or the civilian companies they work for and go through a 24 to 40 hour federal training. They are made up of police, firemen, paramedics and civilians. Postal, utility, hospitality and transportation workers are also involved. Everyone else is brought in as “civilian collaborators.” Friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, police informers are often enlisted to participate and sometimes through deception. They often make up entire stories by telling your family that you are in big trouble or telling your neighbors you are a subject of a criminal investigation. They are then swayed to participate and sworn to secrecy.

Critics of these investigations including civil rights groups are saying that innocent citizens are making the lists. Even worse, there are no safeguards in place for taking someone off. Investigators found people on watch lists for, shoplifting, taking nature photos and even illegal fishing. I know a TI who takes nature photos as he walks. People like this are listed and this is for REAL.

Other accusations are that they are side stepping laws and violating rights by using workers having access to your home to spy without warrants by snooping around. Cable and phone techs, utility workers even the trash collectors going through your trash. Your block watch and neighbors may be keeping tabs on your comings and goings, peeping through your windows even your bus driver may be involved. They use the fear of terrorism as a tool to indoctrinate entire new waves of citizens eager to prove their patriotism. Again, “See Something Say Something” and watch your neighbors like some politicians are preaching. All orchestrated through fear! Fusion centers are also illegally sharing confidential or false information with local police and civilians. This type of big brother policing can never end well and is technically illegal.

The DHS spending on Fusion Centers was estimated at $1.4 billion between 2003 and 2011, the subcommittee said. But the DHS spokesman at the time - Matt Chandler did not respond to a Federal Times request for the 2012 budget. Although the fusion centers are overseen by Homeland Security, they are primarily funded through grants from FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency). However DHS can’t account for where the money went.

I’ll paraphrase here: “Unfortunately, DHS has resisted oversight of these centers. The Department opted not to inform Congress or the public of serious problems plaguing its fusion centers. When we requested documents that would help identify these issues, the Department insisted that they were protected by privilege and confidentiality. It’s troubling that these centers designed to help have become such a problem. Instead of strengthening our counterterrorism efforts, they have turned on Americans’ civil liberties,” said Senator Tom Coburn, who initiated the investigation.

So why is this important? Because to know what’s going on around you is important to everything you do. Educate yourself! The Fusion Centers cannot justify how they are spending their money so in order for them to keep asking for more money they have to create phony domestic targets and investigations. People like YOU and ME and other innocent and often unsuspecting citizens. They don’t have to accuse us of anything and they don’t have to arrest or convict us. They only have to harass the hell out of innocent people to keep themselves working. To justify accepting money they have to show that there is a need for them to get money by having ongoing investigations.

So who are the government gang stalkers? Many are your everyday run of the mill seemingly demonically possessed worker bees. The vast majority of the rest are all the citizens desperate for a chance to prove they are the “GOOD” people. And so now you know that apparently it’s everyone but you and me!!! … I’ve mentioned the DHS as an example of how this works and how anyone and everyone gets pulled in to being involved. However they aren’t the only agency doing this. The shadow government is also continuing with their experiments, projects and so on.

---Written by the author Robert Torres (2024)

You know friends, I find myself referring or deferring to this article I wrote to others often during online conversations as to the “why?” I know why but many are often still left wondering. I was also at first when I realized there was no real reason other than a system and then a blame for appearances. It’s made to look as though there is a reason when the reason is the bottom line…







COS Series