History Sets Precedence

Well I hope you all know by now that we are a country and world ruled by history and history by precedent. Precedent in this case are our unique citations for examples of laws. So the many times when people said that I either set precedent or lied about it, I didn’t do either. I’m just like you but take no credit. I simply used existing laws for our points which we’ll get to. Anyhow, during my article research I suddenly began to get warnings that certain articles were dated and would I like to continue reading anyway? But writing about anything almost always requires that I research my subject. In my case this often could mean anything - science, an obscure law from 1948, history… or the physics of chance.

Like my gratuitous seemingly unrelated quantum science hypotheses, articles. These are usually always inspired by prior accepted mainstream science or theory. Although much of it is original, it takes a lot of reading or chance to build upon, expand or spark new ideas. An exciting aspect to all this is exploring all the previous work by others. Try writing about physics without referencing Einstein, Tesla, Bohr, Bohm or Planck.

Did you ever think that most TIs are steered to the wrong places for their reading, solutions or answers? Science, law, history itself is encoded into time lines drawn from streams of relevant data bits and bytes. Our laws for instance are based on adopted old English laws at first from the 19th to early 20th centuries. This is until we established our own during and whilst refining them. And though many were rejected many more were rendered useless for our common era. It’s always something right?

Another assumption would be that if you’re reading this then you’re looking for answers or to expand your existing knowledge base. But then why are so few of us getting positive results? If I was to guess which is all I can do and without stating much of the “obvious further assumptions.” Well I surmise that we are retaining too much infected data and then framing our mind set on those. Although I’m almost kidding I don’t know what you read but what we believe is truth is questionable. I myself have probably read many of the same things you have. But much of what I retain are a randomized stretches from many off axis sources. What I reject when it comes to this stuff I’ve read is almost everything even though I agree with some of it. And it’s only because of a lack of solid consistencies in the words…

Me, you, anyone, everyone, there’s a secret!!! Every time I’ve gotten into any serious legal trouble requiring a lawyer, I get one! It means that I have no real criminal record because I always knew when I needed to find one. Finding one always required due diligence, more research and being prepared with background knowledge of specific laws. And so as always I go searching and then so far I’ve been lucky. Finding the right law and the right lawyers is tricky so I often look for connections to the area courts. I usually never do random or recommendations for anything serious. Yes, it’s true – I was young and have been involved with some stupid things… Do you believe I was once threatened with arrest for inciting a riot at one of my own nightclub shows? And many other odd events that would usually require specific types of legal expertise. Like my targeting; Ok, I didn’t use a lawyer but it’s free to file a complaint! You only have to know the laws.

I know a lot of you are very smart so you know you don’t have to take this stuff, but you’ve gotta handle it with care. That falls under civil, constitutional and other involved laws amongst other nuisances I faced.

As a for instance, after doing business for a long time under Real Time Records I was asked to cease and desist. A company with the same name in NYC claimed to own the trademark. Ironically - coincidentally down in Florida my magazine publisher was moderating a conference for music industry attorneys. This all happens at the exact same time so I was unknowingly pre-prepared - so off went the email. He emailed me back that he presented my problem to some conference attendees who proposed different scenarios.

Suffice it to say I threw some of their questions at the other Real Time explaining where I got them; I never heard from them again. What do you suppose were the odds of that? Getting a cease and desist demand at that exact same time my publisher happened to be with a large group of industry attorneys? I found out that day a bit about trademarks law and talk… Do you have a world-wide trademark, national, regional – huh? It’s important to ask when that time comes…

Well, I suppose there had to be a point to this story. Yes, but wanting to be helpful puts me on the borderline. I can write all day and really we’re all in the same position. Just another opinion’s all… The only real difference is taking action. And what does that mean? Well to me as a narrator it means I’ve been really where I’m sure very few of you have been with this theatre bullshit! We’re all different so a tailored approach is sometimes required. For as many stories many of you have, I have one too. And you don’t have to set precedent or be some type of evil genius to be able to parrot evil intentions of trouble makers… Being able to write to the right people is all, first knowing who they are and then knowing how to talk their language. I think that’s most of our biggest problems… There’s usually a reason people don’t listen to some stories.

Learn the native lingo, stay calm and use existing laws, the END

---Written by the author Robert Torres (2024)








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