I Fought the Law and the Law Won!

My original interest was the “why” of political ideology in relation to the brain; wrote the article and moved on to other human mindsets.

Current national events reminded me of something I stumbled on long ago. I’ve written about implicit bias as a subconscious norm for all people but specifically critical for policing. I cited my universally aligned university studies from around the world. I offered some alternative remedies like inexpensive fMRI brain scans as a preempt for new law enforcement recruits. This was not well received in some circles. As opposed to after-the-fact remedies like AI “Truleo” screening and more training. I did get the obligatory opposition because, “I fought the law and the law won.” But because I actually learned to use the law, we all won!

Now very simply I did my “Due Diligence,” I watched and read thoroughly before I made one move. Although I tell the story of how I got my results that took some doing. This is because I don’t believe in blind trust; meaning after I filed I still had no faith, so I waited until I saw it through. In the past I held these ideas because it was the only logic that made sense. Now don’t get me wrong because I’m not always naïve, gullible or negative for that matter. I know most of you reading this might never see positive results. But it’s not because you can’t - this means that some of you can and will.

From the very beginning I decided that I had to do something because things were beyond intense. The events that were occurring to me – would have many others questioning their own sanity. Starting over from scratch - both my reality and peace had already been tossed. Most, everything to me became “in your face!” Like many of you I began to read more about what others said and did to get the entire picture. I quickly realized that there was a lot to absorb and even more to filter - like anything else. Differentiating facts is not that easy for most, but for me it wasn’t that hard only more skeptical.

Suddenly as unpredictable as I must have seemed, their tactics also seemed to evolve in parallel. And though it was part of my plan, local Law enforcement got bolder and openly involved forgoing much of the stealth. Yes, I suspected their involvement but clinched it with their actions.  Part of their secret submission process I suppose.

Now, I wrote about everything including the Fusion Centers in articles beginning a few years back. Found out that it’s a societal drag net plot. “ALL” agencies are involved; the military, and all law enforcement. Local to federal – domestically owned companies - an entire shadow society beneath ours. An all-encompassing “Police State” in disguise - something like China.

I believe it’s this writing that got me attention in return. As far as I’m concerned, speaking out is a form of therapeutic self-preservation for some including me.

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It’s a roll of the speculative dice; who you can trust when you can’t trust anyone? When you have to file federally, many TIs will recommend that you do nothing. For me that just wasn’t an acceptable option… Believe it or not you have to build a core of trust in the history of your words. And if you’re under real surveillance, it doesn’t stop when you’re online so be careful of every word that you don’t want misinterpreted.

In the US to file federally you have to work within the system that already exists… Do you see all the people presently claiming to be selectively prosecuted? I know many of those people are just becoming aware of being selectively targeted because they put themselves center stage politically. I’ve always felt just like them minus the reasons and it all ties back to corruption in government. Mine were mostly deep state types posing secretly for the same sources using surface level bottom-feeder antagonists of course! If you don’t know this then you are either naively hopeful or targeted by a different private source. Hey, this is America… The Taliban is not a militia that’s going to announce themselves here. We don’t have unofficial secret police agencies either….

I realized long ago that only using the laws can fight the law but no matter what - you have to walk the walk… From before the beginning while researching, I read what other people were saying. If I believed them beyond what I did, I would have never filed federally - until I realized there is no other mechanism. Even today reading people online saying “never go to the FBI” - the police in CT said not to go outside their departments; after I already did. I really thought nothing would happen for someone like me when I complained. But there really is nowhere else to file a federal complaint. Some people attack the Capitol, others attack the government, others like most online say do nothing. Just don’t go to the feds! See my dilemma? It was also a dilemma for me until I did. But I would never recommend that to any of you because like me you might be the first investigated. “Or,” of course you can do nothing!!!

---Written by the author Robert Torres (2024)







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