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Normal Sanity


I get many people writing me lately that everything happening to them sounds too crazy to tell anyone because no one would ever believe it. It’s very common - even today, don’t tell anyone but many of the same things also happened to me. Including people in my past circles suggesting that maybe I was imaging things. Only I left most of the crazy sounding stuff out of my legal complaint. Luckily we humans have the ability to self-edit our words in real-time while speaking. That was really all part of their gas lighting narrative that I never bought into anyway. I wasn’t going to tell their story… I tell about only my provable facts, not theory, speculation, imagination or their fictional gas lighting tales.

In my story I was trying to be taken seriously! With me that required a lot of self-editing. When someone says it sounds too crazy - it’s time for the editing room floor. When you know editing is your best friend then, learn to use it. You know what’s going to make you sound crazy so in my case I left it all out. That simple; while filing my complaint I only included what was provable and relevant to my story. I didn’t ramble but I did experience everything else that many of you did. Plus I did suspect electronic attack as well but I wanted to keep everything short and simple. I didn’t waste a lot of time attempting to teach science theory while explaining. It’s too easy to sound crazy while repeating creative spoon fed theatre stories. I figured out real early on that it was part of the game usually scripted by unauthorized law enforcement ops.
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However, this sometimes conflicts with “legit” investigations which for most of us don’t exist. If it weren’t for the fact that corruption is stumbled upon, most investigations would quickly fizzle out. In my area the feds ended making many arrests for all kinds of police corruption, conspiracy and misconduct guided using creative misdirection. Most having to do with entrapment scenarios - setting people up for petty drug or other criminal offenses. Then they actually got caught stealing their money and planting the drugs too. These are attempts at controlling commoner level populations. In these cases, ordinary innocent citizens pad funding budget numbers by being swept-up or set-up as collateral unfortunates. Remember guys, in these situations, inconclusive open ended investigations will suffice for tax dollars.  Only here in Connecticut, “Johnny-law” were infiltrated too and inadvertently got caught up in the middle of their own stings…

I also recently received several letters from readers saying that I didn’t mention electronic weapons in my book. Like everything, I did touch upon them briefly only the entire story is not about electronic weapons or every story. I’m trying to stay focused on a big picture landscape here called “getting results.” Now though beside this article I also wrote about shielding although it “is” mentioned throughout my writings. If your intention is to end this then don’t get caught up in the minutia. Dissecting the science is great for them because it keeps you distracted. It’s great for us to know, but not as a full blown distraction.

If you’re like me, you learn about the science because some of us start from the beginning. This allows us to satisfy our humanity believing we’re doing and learning all we can for ourselves – using some methodology. Yes, but getting to the source of all the aggression is how we end it. Stop it at the source and it all stops… From what I’ve found that worked for me - figuring it all out for you is up to each of us!

Nothing irritates these guys more than someone like you playing along the narrow blameless definition. Everything about you has to be a created believable fiction.

You in turn have to create a truth about yourself so that when you speak you’re believed… I’ve tried to do what I could to tell you my story but you have to do your own refining. There are no options to reading, understanding and learning what will work for you. Play around for years with defensive shielding or learn to end it…

Then of course another letter today means you have to understand your audience. When you file a complaint think about who you’re talking to. These feds are very serious people and so if you want to be taken seriously you have to speak their language. The expected language of the straight, narrow, believable truth.

Understand this though, you are speaking to the sentinels of the system. They know a lot of what you’re going to say because they work in the same system that plants the narrative. When you are gas lighted using theatrics in my case it’s by actors working for the system. It’s meant to make the average person look and sound crazy. That’s the game! You’re supposed to repeat the same crazy stuff that was created by them. The only way around it is to know it’s going on.

I know they can hear conversations through cell phones, smart TVs, Alexa, etc… It’s not a random stranger coincidentally repeating stuff you were just talking about by mind reading or ESP although it could be. It’s these devices, informers - bugs any way they can and then using this same stuff against you. I left all that stuff out cause I knew what they were doing mostly through some small social circle conspirators. Always be aware that this game’s been going on for ages and they’ve gotten good at it.

Just remember also, normal sanity plays well in the corridors of schemers…

---Written by the author Robert Torres (2024)







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