Psychotronic World

OK, now that you have some of the backstory, let’s tie this all together with the rest of the story. And let us not forget that there are other active HAARP type installations still in operation today or being built along with other alternative large scale psychotronic weapon systems. Anyway, after some reading about Nicolai Tesla, this really got me thinking beyond what I should have been. As the story goes, he once invented an earthquake machine which almost brought down a building in New York. He was quoted as saying that he believed he could crack the Earth in half if he could generate the resonant frequency waves. Like I said, waves come in all sizes and all types too, like sound, light, water, etc…

This statement by Tesla struck a chord and really peaked my interest. So how does someone determine resonant frequencies - of anything – any object? This I found interesting. I searched online for: “calculating the resonant frequency of a sphere.” I did find the information, but “Sphere at Resonance” was the first thing that came up, which included the pictures below. It showed a frequency anomaly that occurred on Dec 7, 2001, 3 months after the Twin Towers event. It was picked up by a “GOES 10” naval satellite which supposedly never occurred before or since to anyone’s knowledge. What could have caused this? Was it related to HAARP or something more ominous? The entire atmosphere of the planet was resonated by something. No one knows what it was and in fact no one was ever even supposed to know it happened.

When it was discovered that this information was seen, it was immediately removed from the naval computers. Not before someone copied and later posted it though. If it was natural, why did it never occur before or since and why was the information purged from the naval computers? If it wasn’t natural, someone knows how to generate the resonant frequency of our planet and it should be a warning to all of us.

I became suspicious while reading this because I was already interested in frequency weapons. I found it odd that no one on the entire planet knew it occurred and it was only picked up by a naval satellite who coincidently ran HAARP. So even though it was a longshot and awhile back I tried to find a testing schedule for HAARP to see if any testing coincided with this event. Nothing – there were no testing schedules posted at all.
OK now, since I know some of you won’t understand the data posted with the photos, I’ll simplify it. A Naval satellite picked up a wave pattern over the entire atmosphere of the Earth that lasted many hours. It has never been detected before which made it extremely strange and its cause is unknown… These are the naval photos as you see in the sphere below left… and on the right next to a map of the US west coast they formed these patterns. The frequencies were also in the frequency range of human consciousness.

Above: December 7-8, 2001. GOES-10 Naval Satellite survey of the Pacific region including much of the central US recorded anomalous atmospheric conditions across the full range of frequencies. Both the infrared and visible spectrum measurements revealed an octagonal tiling of concentric circles in dipolar oscillation at 1.45 Hz - a theta heartbeat.

The unusual data was compiled and made available online at the Kauai Naval Research Laboratory website archive. The full frequency pulsation was recorded for many hours through the night, over the entire area surveyed by the satellite. As standing wave structures arise from the multi-frequency driving of the gas-filled resonant cavity, the anomalous field most likely encompassed the whole globe for the full duration of the event. Another crucial fact suggesting a fully global effect is the field’s alignment with 149°W longitude, exactly 180° from the Giza Pyramids at 31°E in Egypt - the ancient magnetic prime meridian.

Above: “The unified pulsation of the resonance field creates a heart rate beat frequency that synchronizes consciousness within the nodal framework of focal sites by brainwave pattern entrainment, tuning the mental frequency following response. This synchronization of consciousness can now be understood as a quantum effect of the Unified Field at resonance, as observed for prolonged periods by GOES-10 satellite.”--- Alexander Putney - Human Resonance Org

I suspect this was a manmade “mind control” experiment. After-all, if you want total control you would want to affect the brain waves of the entire planet. If you could broadcast mind altering (psychotronic) waves across the entire world no one would even know it was occurring. If you don’t believe me, then tell me, how many of you were alive and felt this global resonance event three months after 9-11? Now, why was the US Navy who just so happened to run HAARP at the time the only ones on the entire planet to have been aware of this atmospheric anomaly? Although I’m not naive and suspect Russia and some other countries were actually aware… But as you can see from the wave patterns, the entire planet was affected in the same frequency of human consciousness. It was probably just another one of those “coincidences” though.

A side note here is that people all over the world have been reporting actual sound seemingly coming from the atmosphere itself and no one can trace the source… There is nowhere to hide from these waves which I believe continue to this day! But remember no one would or could know because this information was and will always be kept secret.

The anomalies posted here were originally presented as “unknowns” and much of this chapter for historic value on large scale systems. I present them as I do in my hypothesis based on all of my research that I just coincidentally happened to be doing on the subject…  Deeper detail can be found in my various books starting with “Sin Thesis” for most of my posted articles related to the subjects.

---Written by the author Robert Torres (2024)

Conscientious concerned citizens; always wanting to write about these swirling science ideas but never did I think I’d find this info as it would relate to our situations…. Tied together with this entire subject matter. It does “matter” to some of us… the real question is, what about if I was just left alone - would it have then?







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