Survivors Suvive

Darwin in his theory of evolution says that it is a survival of the fittest. It isn’t that way at all Charles Fort wrote so eloquently in 1919 about Darwinism:

“The fittest survive! What is meant by the fittest? Not the strongest; not the cleverest-- Weakness and stupidity everywhere survive. There is no way of determining fitness except in that a thing does survive. "Fitness," then, is only another name for "survival." Although Darwinism, then, seems positively baseless, or absolutely irrational, it’s massing of supposed data, and it’s attempted coherence approximate more highly to Organization and Consistency than did the inchoate speculations that preceded it.”  --- Charles Fort

Fort here is simply saying that “survivors survive” no fitness necessary. In a civilized society, The fit don’t wipe out the weak because being the fittest doesn’t necessitate it, only implying survival. Aside from that, it surely isn’t the fittest controlling the planet.

But regardless of how long it takes, an evolution is in motion. Many had predicted 2012 would be the beginning of a new evolutionary turning point, but I believe that it began long before that. Some of us are evolving as with any evolution at a faster pace than others and I’m sure that many of us can feel a spiritual evolution occurring. In the meantime however we are suffering at the hands of a draconian state. A state that believes that it can experiment with its populace at will. To do this, the people must be controlled. - To that end you must know who they are, where they are, what they do and ideally, what they’re thinking. It would be even better if you could control who they are, where they are, what they do and how they think. Man playing the role of a dark God has always concerned me and is a recurring theme in much of my writing?

---Written by the author Robert Torres (2024)

Now a bit of enlightenment for anyone looking or not! Fort was an influential writer who gained notoriety because of his writing on anomalous phenomena and his mainstream scientific skepticism. His book “The Damned” is a nod to this hushed data shunned by the mainstream. Many groups dedicated to his writing sprung up around the world forming cult-like followings which he found amusing. Also many Fortean Societies exist around the world. It is these style of thinkers which also had a profound impact on my reasoning - leaving me to question everything...







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