Synchronicity, Prayer, Science, Magick

Sorcery - Witchcraft? Synchronicity, Power, Prayer, Science, Magick and Belief
I was reading an article by Dr. Bruce Lipton a former Professor of Medicine at Stanford University who was studying molecular biology, he wrote among many other things, that: “Our brain is running on auto pilot 99% of the time and that our subconscious is running us 95% of the time. The subconscious is MUCH more powerful than the conscious mind.”

Of course some people have figured it out when over the years their thoughts or intentions are manifesting themselves into real world events. They then make the connection or at least have a suspicion that they may be the cause of the phenomena. This is written about in the non-fiction book “Wild Talents” by researcher, Author, Charles Fort. In his book, the investigators of individual documented cases are the ones who usually make the connections.

Many scientists in this new epoch are coming to the same conclusions and it has now been proven scientifically that thought can affect the material world. Since the beginning of mankind, many peoples from around the world have already known this. They have preserved and passed down traditional ritualistic practices of influencing the material world around them. Rituals, chants, spells, concoctions, alchemy, magick and many other methods have been used including prayer as a means of manipulating the natural world. Some believe that small groups or large gatherings focused as one can alter the weather.

Whether it’s Buddhists reciting mantras, or mass Christian religious prayer vigils, or Indigenous ceremonial dancing and chanting, they all share the same belief in the supernatural. Many others suggest that none of this is necessary and that just one person alone can accomplish the same thing. When the weather has seemed to have miraculously changed after one of these focused gatherings, many people explain this as mere coincidence. In the documentary “Water”, Israeli Rabbi: Adin Steinsaltz states:

“Belief in coincidence is neither scientific nor religious. From a scientific standpoint, there is scientific determinism. From a religious standpoint there are things that are done which have an influence on the outcome.” --- “Coincidence is a way in which people try and escape bearing any responsibility.”

A bit of paraphrasing from the documentary: although many historically have used the life-force, minds and spirits in groups throughout history to influence the weather, could it be that just one human, just a single person could influence a natural process solely by the force of desire and intention? Many people claim that they have.
As the call of an Eagle can cause an avalanche and the flap of a butterfly’s wing can change the weather over an entire continent, so too can people launch global processes solely by the power of thought.

--- Gerbert Klima, Professor of the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Vienna, Austria says:

“That is no exaggeration! Not a single scientist who is familiar with systems theory doubts that. In a phase of instability, the motion of thought alone is sufficient for the system to start to change.”

This is also most often referred to as “The Butterfly Effect.”

The question then becomes; whose thoughts? My thoughts, your thoughts, the conscious, the subconscious, the universal consciousness, deities, aliens or is it God?

---Written by the author Robert Torres (2024)

Current readers, I feel privileged to get this opportunity to be writing this article for you and but again, this is a previously published article that was not part of the COS series as are many of my magazine articles. However, the timing for this particular article update written a couple months ago is in itself seemingly anomalous given current events. Pre hurricane Ian.







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