The Writer


I don’t know how I got caught up in this with the rest of you cause all I wanted to do was write: which is what I was doing. And well here I ended-up “hijacked!” like you. A targeted pop-science writer and regular guy before that. I have to assume that many of you were just as confounded as I was.

Why would they target a regular person? And why then does someone writing about all these fantastical science hypotheses get anyone’s attention outside these circles? It’s not the writing, I’m only writing now so you know how you write can sometimes get you taken seriously. Not necessarily just for the content or purpose. The content is what I want to write about for me and impress my thoughts upon you – “both” after the fact. When you figure out the rest, then you can fill me in on what’s important to you.

Jules Verne, Charles Fort, David Icke, Jim Marrs, Eric von Daniken of course and a large number of others. This type of writing is what got me caught up on popular science which I write about because I lived it. Early on I began to have what I believed were supernatural experiences which forced my metaphoric hand so to speak. It was right then I knew I saw things differently than most everyone around me due to my exposures. Don’t worry though because I don’t let my beliefs color my writing reality. Supernatural or paranormal is not this unless you’ve been duped. For this my mind was drawn right to the source from a glimpse through a crack.

For the latter I chose to embark on a lifelong quest for real answers but more precisely “reasons!” Reasons for events that I was taught couldn’t happen but did and couldn’t be explained. Researching the supernatural led me to magic, religion, philosophy, science and now hypotheses. Like my quantum self-neuronal entanglement one; “Time Entanglement and the Supernatural” set a new envelope for my thinking. Others like “Communication Through Time” and “AI Consciousness Control” led down a strange path even for me. Conceiving while believing that so much of this phenomena is so often our own manifestations. I decided that the science could answer me with minimal mental wattage!

The quantum world at this point in history hypothetically seems a cross between AI, and mainstream “pop-sci-fi.” WOW, I’m impressed; Being a fan of many aforementioned authors that’s my take. For me, I wasn’t ready to revert so I searched on for the real science - leading to quantum theory and AI… Now “here” I am being thrown for a loop between my thinking and the science itself. Not to mention my actual esoteric beliefs? All of this writing is based on the science that I like. So yes, I do actually research the science I write about. Mostly theoretical and with quantum science being so mysterious it is a perfect fit for me. This of course aside from the fact that only this blend of sciences could give me the answers I need.

The fact is my research led me to mainstream theoretical quantum physics. This is even more mysterious than supernatural magic. So I aimed for the pop-sci angle. I didn’t know that’s where I’d be led so I just followed what made sense. My very first supernatural experiences are easily explained using what would normally seem oxymoronic “supernatural science” is my term. The same authors whose writing I gravitated towards for me was from personal experiences. Looking for answers for events I actually witnessed and wrote about myself.

So now arriving with some semblance of sane speech most of the science covered in this type of writing that I find interesting is the real science. Yes; woven into the editorializations of their individual leanings. Kind of like my own real life propensities. Although I have confidence in the strength of my articles, there are always critiques of my hypotheses. Not to mention the conscientious scrutiny of magazine science editors or any number of others. Who I actually did just mention; requiring and reading citation after citation to bolster my claims.

Criticisms as of late are that faster than light communication is impossible and I’m only a writer. Just like the rest of most of our examples. NASA then releases news the other day saying they just achieved superluminal (faster than light) data transfer. Do you know what this means? Which leads to a new hypothesis to present for you guys to ponder. If data transfer can be superluminal like my original idea years back, then as explained in my article, temporal is all that’s left. But when that happens for the first time, it means it’s happened already according to the hypothesis. And then the ability to alter the timeline for humanity is obvious. Sending data through time allows for opening doors to everything.

Me? I’m only a writer but it seems we’re all after the same thing. Only the implications of both AI mixed with quantum entanglement is the beginning or the end?

You also know what that means for everything else I write about? Nothing at all, not a damn thing. I target my problems like they target me. I don’t try to jumble my thoughts, genres, subjects, confusion, nothing…

---Written by the author Robert Torres (2024)

I don’t know if this will be the last article about being a writer, but it’s the first – stay tuned…







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