--- Pronounced; "tyrany" or "TI- Irony" or any play on the word... It's about endings ---
Many of your concerns are mine too. Not in the literal sense because I can’t claim nor would I want any of your problems. I have had them, but only now as the writer of the narrative, I feel I must say something. Because in reality, some of us strive to be bigger than ourselves. For me it means by speaking out for myself and others too. As many people write me, and some often have their own ideas. I do too but write about solutions and conclusions. That is after all why I write. I usually can’t answer most people’s questions without risking legal jeopardy so I’ll point them to something I’ve already written. Btw, this legal catch is perplexing.

I did go through many of the same things you guys have - haven’t and vice versa. However for me, the tangles with the US legal system were often involved and difficult. So I’m only going to be writing in this article about using the laws to untangle some of your concerns. It really is the only solution I found.

I didn’t find my way here by making it all up. I also read a lot of the history of all these programs and how many of them ended. Many of the letters and or texts I get however are by naysayers who believe that these things can’t change. Luckily for all of us, I think differently than most. My entire history with this stuff tells of how difficult it got before I ended it? Every one of these programs ended or changed their names because of people just like you and me. From before our country started and at the first sign of the original redcoats all the way through. Mk-Ultra, Cointelpro, Monarch, TIA, many others and even now with the Fusion centers. The targets were idealists wanting a different way. Really much of the ideas were about having “freewill” - opportunity to choose success or failure on one’s own terms.           

At the beginning of our nation these dreams were dangerous so many of us chose to band together to form secret societies outside the powers that be. Those in control didn’t like this and don’t to this day. The thought of people wanting the freedom to self-govern is foreign to many. Many of course meaning those already in control or benefitting from the perception of being favored by them. At the same time the ability to surveil and control everyone else has become paramount.

Well, here in modern day America we also know that things haven’t changed and the ones that are filled with anger are the contemporary targets and the deceived. Many know but have forgotten the lessons of the past. When fighting the redcoats they realized that they had in-fact become a new second class. People here in modern America don’t like not being favored either. That’s what happens with a lot of us including me. For some reasons many of us are targeted even if we play by every rule. That’s me, enemy of the state with no real criminal history or reason… just chosen.

Now, but I opted out and that means playing along with all the head games. [Pretending] We the people and all of this didn’t just start today…

I am always asked for solutions so in classic cautious form I choose writing but since it always gets long I’ll purposely be brief. Others have ideas that everything has to be long and complicated. I don’t think this finally has to be but that only the thinking process does. We are after all dealing with admittedly or not - intelligent people at intelligence agencies. Not everyone is tasked with these relevancies but at my point they’re here.
Many other writers zero in on these technicalities and these details are necessary for a full picture. Yes this is true that you may need this information; But I deal with ending simplicities. Utilizing the laws of the mundane is after all where and how our legal system operates for the most part. The bottom line is where I landed! Let’s face it, most of us are no match for this system and substitute knowledge for belief, with made-up techno-dazzle lingo. I’ve had many dealings with these fed-law types of people while wearing a mask. And realize you can’t outthink them with or without one. Laws are your only friend and most will choose to adhere to or avoid them by choice. You can’t force anyone to obey the laws so you have to make it their easier choice.

My choice of laws were federal ones that affected me. I’ve written about violations of my civil and constitutional rights while acting under the color of law. Others I often have to read up on and used as they arose. I recently thought I would have to use “Interference with Interstate Commerce” for my website troubles. Most never get to that point because I only use what will work when needed. I have an entire history of offensive avoidance moves I’ve also never used. Now understand that whether it was offense or defense; I’ve always had my hand in the game and knew when I needed a lawyer to speak for me.

Yes, I use what I need when I need it like for instance, a couple criminal charges with Yale which were dropped. Nothing got too serious because I used lawyers to talk for me. For this targeting stuff I didn’t because I was only filing a criminal complaint. You have to be the decider.

With me it’s a little different than most of you because while being observant for me; I zeroed in on law enforcement involvement. I was then able to find laws for that. Nothing made sense to me any other way – budget wise and strangers focusing so much attention on me – including police. If you’re looking for criminal activity, you don’t have to falsely create it – it’s either there or it isn’t. Aside from the fact that I had no real criminal record and was working for my own company which they were attempting to destroy.

When dealing with all this stuff, you can’t back down but at the same time, you can’t be stupid. I simply filed charges and then let them try to fool these federal intelligence agencies. I also knew they wouldn’t be able to if my case was accepted.

Anyway, some of what I experienced is aimed at the average TI and what many of you guys go through. The harassments obviously, stalking, breach of peace, home break-ins, vandalism, mobbing, auto dings, car hits, suspected DEWS - computer attacks, hacking many petty crimes. Most of these crimes are not actionable or not worth the effort of my attention. Much of what I experienced were also complete acted out theatre scenarios using informants obviously being given inside personal info. It just went on and on. This would be daunting for any individual to defend against let alone mount any type of case solo. Unless someone listens to you!

---Written by the author Robert Torres (2024)







COS Series