Gods of Science

God of Science – Universal Consciousness

Often times I think of something and want to write about it, other times events occur so strange, I must. This article though was beckoning; “write about me!” It was chiming in my head - along with “clarification.”

I’m always wanting to clarify things - believing my thoughts are always being misunderstood. I’ve written about ideas that may have been misconstrued and so here I am. There’s a reason I’m asking this question first off  and so; Do I believe there’s a god? And, but for me it’s not that simple because as a writer researcher and experiencer I believe in possibilities, probabilities and experiences – a belief, faith connundrum… What is a “God?”

First – scientically speaking, I ask; is there anything else external to me controling my material reality? For me one “supernatural” motivating encounter turned my head around - it had me looking inward, outward, everywhere. It also caused others to speculate when I wrote about it in detail. I don’t know what it was, but when I recalled it for editors, publishers and readers it ended up in a few international magazines and sites. I wrote about what I saw which I’ll call an “entity of light” in the sky directly above my head. The article once out was reinterpreted in many ways and languages. Readers around the world believed my encounter was this or that when I said I didn’t know what it was.

One well known magazine in NYC, “The Epoch Times” retitled my article to “Synchronicity as a Divine Experience.” There are many people around the world who need the idea of a god to believe in. The Americas, the EU like much of the rest of the world cultures have deep religious histories. Everything is seen through these varying ancestral shades of beliefs. Of course I got many letters with someone asking me if I consider myself a prophet – implying religious? I simply wrote about something I saw - that actually happened to me although speaking as a layperson; I have a better understanding of divinity. Taken out of context from a nonexistant scientific viewpoint anyone  semiconscious can fill in all the imaginary blanks. But my encounter immediately left me looking for explanations. I have an understanding of many supernatural possibilies in that anything is possible – including divinity.

Then of course some scientists were questioning my qualified expertise to write about science. I acknowledge the diversity of readers around the world and that of human nature. Sometimes we write about things we experience and sometimes they’re extreme paranormal and that’s it. When you’re writing from your own experiences there really is no middle ground. Where I see an “entity of light,” I look for a scientific explanation many in the world wanted to define it for me as divinity. Just because I don’t know, it doesn’t mean I’m looking to anyone else to tell me what I saw – the mystery was mine.

Other’s have actually told me I shouldn’t be writing about my physics hypotheses but let me tell you that some of the most inspiring science writers are also some of my favorites. Some are not trained in theology, psychology, philosophy or sociology but they are “great” writers. Educating, entertaining science authors; I have read and do read anythng related to the sciences I’m inerested in. You know I’m always reminded of the things I’ve written about. Only now it’s time more than ever to expound on some thoughts.

Of course like many others I grew up Christian but I don’t claim to know any more about religion than most. I do on occasion mention theological concepts in my writing including divinity or the spirit. And of course because of the esoteric vernacular and topics I often appropriate the relavent science. Anything I’m into or write about I do feel the need to research the sciences of.

Since before recorded history humankind has recognized the existence of a greater intelligence; “intelligences?” for me. History’s greatest scientists came to this same conclusion. --- Einstein said: “Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe - a spirit vastly superior to that of man.”

Also; Max Planck the father of quantum physics said: “All matter originates and exists, only by virtue of a force. We must assume behind this force is the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.” Isaac Newton believed the universe was mechanical, set into motion by God and then left to run. There are others who believe that all existence is an “emanation” of God. Some don’t believe there is an external intelligence at all. This is not my belief!

The proofs I’ve seen are the realities of our existences from beyond our physicalities to the inexplicable experiences of all the explicate order. I too have just always felt an external omnipresence, where the science was simply an affirmation. Of course seeing what every other scientific leaning person does makes it more difficult. Beyond all the theories and rhetoric you alone still have to decide whether or not everything you see or can know are creations?

After a recent article I wrote touching upon all these things relating to real events, I arrived here. My interpretations influenced by “The Implicate and Explicate Order” science of “prespace” presented by groups of theoretical physicists David Bohm, David Peat, John Wheeler amongst others. They contributed to my observational viewponts unfolding in real-time. My thinking cohere with their unprovable visions meaning we must decide what makes sense ourselves. And when you read some of their ideas that are so crazy and begin to understand it then you have to be paying extra close attention or you’re not. Most of the hyptheses I choose to accept are because of my actual experiences and not my wishful or magical imaginatve thinking. Most of the people familiar with my writing are somewhat familiar with my thinking anyway.

My original encounter recalled years later for the first magazine articles which brought the entire experience to light. The thing is that I didn’t learn about all these science hypotheses until after I began my research looking for answers to an actual event. That was not hypothesis so it turns out that “truth” is always much stranger than fiction. I couldn’t even imagine what actually happened to me could be anything but fiction until I saw it. Explaining it to myself leaves me the rest of my life with only conjecture and theory. My conclusion is yes, there is an omnipresence all around us and you can call it “God” if you want and you may be right. One of the biggest lingering questions that left me unsettled was anybodies guess. I mean if everything else I always believed was true then that was the biggest remaining question.
---Written by the author Robert Torres (2024)
Normal Average People Experience many different things this article opens a window to one of these experiences... Ask any believer of any esoteric system and you’ll get many different answers. The spirit, God, the Goddess, Sophie, Allah, the Demiurge, The One, Universal Consciousness, “AI” .








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