Mind Controllers |
Real or Memorex? I’ve seen increasing numbers of posts on mind control lately, plus read about all the different technologies and sciences involved, since forever. Yes, I and many others know of the existences of these “REAL” technologies. But what about your education - do you know just how much of it isn’t real? Researching the sciences on some of it leads to long wasted hours reading bad science. Knowing the difference isn’t always easy and thinking you already do is a perilous path. As cautious as I am I’m sometimes confounded by my own momentary lapses in observations. My opinion is that the most powerful forms of mind control are passive beginning at birth with hereditary pre-programming. Beside what first comes to mind - much that’s overlooked is naturally occurring. Educating ourselves is important for differentiating in real-time when the need arises. Ideology is often taught through strategically designed repetitive thought manipulations. Beginning first with language it becomes apparent when looking at every movement in any country that it’s arguably the most effectively dangerous. Ideology is clearly where most people become susceptible to outside organized sociological entrainment techniques… Militaries, politics, religions or cults become viable alternatives - leading to grand self-disillusions. Revolutions are seeded in this manner. Though mind control is usually thought of as occurring on personal levels, I’m examining the dangers of appropriated mass indoctrinations into cultural cult-like extremes. The main concerns people write me about experiencing are externally emitted cranially intrusive psychotronic or wave-type weapons like those I’ve written about being banned by Putin in Russia, 2001. Mind influencing weapons have been around since the dawn of man so there’s nothing new under the sun. Except here today and as always being overlooked are the more concerning, deceptive and effective means of manipulations. I’ll start with naturally occurring alternatives perfectly mimicking and often mistaken for existing technologies. To be fully informed we need awareness and knowledge; so along with sociological observances the most dangerous mass mind controls you can’t escape from. It affects everything around your entire environment… I may lose some of you here, but it’s advanced science theory; “planetary morphic resonances” occurring in the flow of a universal sub consciousness. Not just made up; it’s “Rupert Sheldrake’s idea of mysterious telepathy-type interconnections between organisms and collective memories within species” - including humans: see “100th monkey effect”. All enveloping the spheres of our human existences. One big naturally occurring mind control mechanism and always has been as a metaphysical process extending beyond our perceptions. These things I believe are coexisting sciences which form the bases of much of my own convoluted thinking. Showing us that in a living system reality, either physical or otherwise reside as the norm. Yes, and because it’s natural I believe it evolved out of some universal necessity! Beyond all our evident conjecture is the staged mind control and easy to perpetrate gas lit con-jobs. I was a big target of this nonsense and though anyone can be fooled, I did a lot of playing oblivious to the theater. Do you remember that website “Prison Planet” run by Alex Jones? Welcome to the “Almost truth amateur hour meets the ‘New World Order’.” Yeah, that’s what I was thinking for years before I found all these conspiracy writers like Jones, Icke and others. However I favored deep passive mind control science theory; gravitating toward my own confirmation biases. Well, what do you think – the biggest form of mind control is in plain sight as it always was?! Reminds me of writing about natural human tendencies and trends around the world: fashion, music, dance, etc… They aren’t conspiracies but rather existing exploitables to passively further our indoctrinations. To what end? We all know malicious technology and intent when we see it but I had to determine in real-time with skeptics questioning my surrounding circumstantial suspicions. I knew that it might seem that way to others too so to be sure I researched every possibility. I had to know what the differences were between reality, fabrication, natural or sciences. Much going on with me was steering using electronic surveillance devices with snaky gas-lighting informers feigning mind reading. Although I also suspected electronic wave bombardment a lot were human interactions meaning I didn’t have to look too far. But what’s the purpose of all of this theatre? By feeding the target enough disinformation they’ll appear foolish repeating it - preemptively attacking their credibility. Educating ourselves necessarily keeps us from muddling everything when that time does come like it did for me. But it’s much more than that – “Precision Indoctrination” is designed that way from every choice you think you’ve made to every grade you think you’ve earned. Merit goes to the peg that fit the shape of the hole that was shaped for them. But that would mean you have no free choice but to be the best fit in a society that favors your conformity which in turn means casting your role. No free will in a system promoting freedom. In “secrecy” everyone takes comfort in believing the easy choices were their own. From early education when they’re part of a favored clique they never see beyond what they weren’t meant to. Some of us are always looking over our shoulders though; aware of being manipulated and forced to ask “why?” People, I’ve experienced all types of deception, theater - gas lighting, electronic, artificial and natural occurrences. The whole point of this article is raising awareness; they all exist and you may experience them too. They may also try to confuse you or they naturally just do, many times obstacles are intentional for control.
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