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New World Insanity

Yes well, some of my writing has been sidetracked but I’ve integrated much of my educational, philosophical and sciences thoughts seamlessly into my other articles. Like many of you it’s always the silent internal struggle that fell upon the naive younger me. I have been forced to learn so much about all of our perilous connections, rights and I sometimes wish I studied law. Instead I can legally only write about my solutions - but how many people actually understand the subtleties of my simple deep thought? I’m trying guys; but I feel as though I again have to justify my involvement.

Have any of you noticed that with all of these snaky happenings, some favored populations are just left alone to the free pursuit of happiness? Really I should have titled this article “New World Disorder.” Appearances can sometimes be deceiving! Like take for instance me or any of you – why do you suppose you weren’t left alone? Yes I’m sure like me, many of you have come to the conclusion that it’s all for no good reason. Experimentation or even training purposes might be reasonable suspicions. “The Secret Police State” gone wild is just as good a reason and mine… Wanting to know everything about everyone’s tiniest secrets is standard fare.

For me being “sabotaged” reminds me of my youth – when I was only trying to express my thoughts. Freedom of thought and speech? You think this is a free country for everyone to say whatever comes to mind; “weird” right? But just because it’s not poetry, I still always have something to say – I only have to remember “astute, respectful diplomacy.” But I’m only speaking for myself; this here’s the Promised Land right? I saw that in a movie once and done just right we get to buy into all that stuff till we all wake-up. It’s not for everyone; A short ride on the freedom rail and then we can pretend we didn’t see any of the program.

Hey but many of you are coming along at a bad time - the heyday for believable originality has passed. At the beginning not knowing anything I was on a mission to prove all this was real and illegal. Forethought is a luxury and without experience in the nuances of your new reality, mistakes are very easily made.

Victimhood has evolved which means “Timing” is everything; it used to be that blaming others was an excuse for personal flaws. Now it seems everyone everywhere are blaming everyone else for what’s happening to them - this is not a rarity. The “Real World” is full of sponsored meddling informers, spies and saboteurs where blame is actuality throughout every aspect of life. In our existences especially - this is the norm - we have eyes and intuitions to know. Many claiming “gas-lighting” are really being lit up. I filed a federal criminal complaint then played along during the investigation. This gave me proof that others were secretly doing much of what I experienced but now others gathering evidence saw. Really though, many innocents are participants; war mongering, political activism or criminal associations are easily mislabeled freedom of speech or association now. We’re all guilty of rationalizing our own connectedness. Now with so many faux-martyr types the camouflage is growing - exponentially. Real random targeting is now just passed off as old-school psychosis. Luckily for someone like me I began strategizing early on but starting late.

Now there’s an excess of initiates around the world finding this stuff is sometimes actual real-life consequential. My lot here in freedom land was done using both overt and covert experimental approaches. You have to be aware to know it’s occurring when you experience it. But for me – gone are those days of mystery since after filing all the FBI arrests confirmed all my suspicions.

Coulda, shoulda, woulda - “Action!” Now things are a murky morass with all the newly legitimized fringe competing for preferential legitimized status. It’s because “real” Tis are just that; you don’t usually present well in your legal complaints, on paper or conditionally… Not every single one of us has a diagnosable disorder though. Not saying you can’t get justice, because luckily it’s not first come, first serve. It’s all individuated but it’s like I’ve always said it’s time to start reading and focusing. You’re going to have to stand up and out to rise above those preferred. It’s the big new deal; I didn’t just get results one day because I wrote a letter, spoke to someone and the DOJ liked me. If you get a chance to speak your piece, be ready.

This always forces infamous fallen public figure types to pop into my head. They get the sympathy of the court of public opinion moving them to the front of the line. Everyone who’s caught up legally - actually illegally because of the injustice system are pushed to the back.

The claims line for sanity ended yesterday… but the jury wants to know why you never spoke up coherently? I got results by listening, reading, reasoning and then speaking out rather than just blurting out delusional Tourette sounds. Now I know all of you hear the same things I do; “I’m being targeted” is everyone’s current rebut for any insinuation of any type of activism, protest or fabrications. Legal defensive efforts make the biggest difference, but many with the means let lawyers do their talking. I didn’t use one but you have to decide what’s best for you because you know for many it doesn’t make a difference in the end. Being right and truthful does… But the right vocabulary facilitates the necessary presentations for truth.

Actually if you look up people being targeted you’ll immediately see the problem with editorial liberties concerning open distinctions in their characterizations. Average people are described using words like paranoia, delusional, psychosis, schizophrenia. Preferred individual types are described as gas-lit, swatted, psychotronic or dew attacked, Havana syndrome, invasion of privacy, etc… Politically motivated descriptions removing personal culpability or psychological flaws; written by seemingly uninvolved parties but created with certain slants. This has resonating effects depending on who you are is how your exact same complaints are interpreted; handled.

Yes, and now with the collapse of the judiciary from the top down what is left for hope? You really have come along at a bad time; It’s the “New World Insanity!”
---Written by the author Robert Torres (2024)








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