The Hidden Source

While finishing up my latest article before taking a pause to do some site tech work, I get contacted by a reader from the Real-Time Publishing website which (BTW) should come with a disclaimer. The science on the site is real but separate from my subjective writing; mostly my own science hypotheses. Readers should use discretion so as not to confuse mine or their science with what’s happening to them. For most of you remember “Occam’s razor” - usually things are not so complicated. Getting the right language to the right people is why we’re here.

We’re like unwitting members of a subjugated subculture with many diverse interests inside and outside of ourselves. One of my worst fears is that any of you would mix these worlds up which I have done. So are many of you now, I believe - using cutting edge science to create personal backstories. I have no place for combining my interests other than for myself. I am always careful not to [cross-wire] even accidentally. Especially since my goal was specifically research on one end with resolution on the other.

I’m so glad this reader brought this up because he’s not alone and I need to be reminded every once in awhile. This also allows me to make some important points because he said my problems were with the police which are not the same as his… “False”: I know that unless you’ve read and deciphered more of what I wrote I’d assume many of you would think the same thing. Without a basic understanding of the system, much of this is not the way I wish it to come across. Like catching me mid sentence then guessing the end. This is because my articles don’t re-write the books so that everyone only reads endings. It ended with many police ultimately getting arrested for what was uncovered but that wasn’t how it started… At the beginning l only knew it was happening – not why or who was responsible. A façade of many random strangers and old familiar faces acting oddly – almost in unison. No reason or associations to one another excepting insinuations. I don’t break any serious laws so I never suspected law enforcement involvement at the beginning. It was way later I became suspicious with their harassment; I filed a complaint and watched for clues.

Many of you have your own theories and mine’s a broad brush observational solution. All our individualities are sometimes whimsical and real but since we’re here for answers my reasonings remain. We must all keep our minds compartmentalized like our sciences; unless pertinent must remain separate.  Also being just a guest of this police state game I made results happen by sticking to their playbook. Hey, it’s their show; there’s no one way for it to be assembled or disassembled so individualized - so none of us experience everything the same. I know this because I’ve read so many of your stories. I also know who’s at the top and it isn’t who you think, unless of course they’re wearing a military uniform.

As many times as I’ve said this, I never searched for who was doing this to me because it was clear they were hidden well with big budgets. Enough resources to waste a lot of time on many insignificants using big-game money. To out who was doing it I would have to lure them in using their own overconfident brain power. They would see no risk in exposing themselves because they were too smart. Getting them to break laws was easy since this is all illegal anyway!

Much of my method I can’t discuss without risking bad influencing anyone. Most people I believe are misguided describing blurry symptoms but never real solutions. Pinpointing the sources of all your troubles is easy when living in a police state country but it’s no low level tool. Everyone is persuadable like the Stasi or NAZI informer populations the US has 350 million actors. People are beyond easy to compel because we all have so many similarities. The Fascists and fiends have studied and refined this for over a millennium. The need to know upper echelon are far removed so to compromise them you have to be on top of your game. Even the participants stand clueless though the why is obvious. If you accept that total control is essential, ask yourself if you think there’s anyone at a local level with answers? Do you think in a police state this could be going on or without their knowledge? Ask Gestapo Müller!

If you’re anything like me - not being a lawyer I just wanted it to stop. How does a powerless citizen expose an invisible game with real humans  most don’t know exists? If you think any player involved can help you then you may need a recalibration. These are living disposable remnants of a once almighty hidden evil empire gone by. There in lies the problem – the dark alure of the forgotten man on the montain. On top all alone looking down over all that once never was…

Yes and I know how troubling this is for some of you, but try to suspend some deeply held beliefs for real life possibilities. Some of my own thinking would never blend well with my overeditorialized media influenced content. Now I know many of you are focussed on cutting edge technologies believing they’re being used on you. Of course I know that much of it’s real because I suspected as much when I was a victim. However I don’t believe many people  about anything so I’m not the best judge on credibility. The mass use of cutting edge tech to me seems high priority focused for which I can only speculate. Not to be dismissive however, the large scale use is total government type stuff I’ve written about.

Ideally coerccing their exposure done right won’t make a difference when it’s known that they know. It means everyone involved also knows which leaves them all beyond exposed. If your criminalities don’t exist, then what are they legally looking for? Truth and honesty are your best weapons when so many people keep secrets. So when the first one falls then it’s everyman for himself. Just read what happened in my area of CT. Game over… So what’s the method? “Exposure!!!” Let them get themselves caught up by helping them expose each other… It’s what worked for me…
---Written by the author Robert Torres (2024)
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"Occum's razor" everyone, remember...










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