SCIENCEGods of ScienceOften times I think of something and want to write about it, other times events occur so strange, I must. This article though was beckoning; “write about me!” |
CONSPIRACYNew World InsanityIt’s always the silent internal struggle that fell upon the naive younger me. I have been forced to learn so much about all of our perilous connections, rights and I sometimes wish I studied law. |
EDUCATIONThe Illusion QuotientWhat intelligence quotient? Is there really a finely honed merit based tool for identifying the best and the brightest society has to offer? Like, off the top of your head: what is a neuron? |
CONSPIRACY METAPHYSICSSynchronous Symbolic Separations CollapseHumankind, today April 5th 2024 another synchronous annomaly occurred as I finished authoring my article about synchronicity into cyberspace. |
EDUCATIONR U Educatabel?Are the educable - educatable?Since “knowing” is teachable - I ask then; are we all teachable?
EDUCATIONSecret Police StateShhh... Don’t say it - we are not an entitled Evil Empire! Now; Enter the “Secret Police State” - “Authoritarian or Totalitarian?” They really are all just synonymous symbolisms in this context. |
EDUCATIONWrite For ImpactDo any of you write articles or stories, or even for personal art creatively? I did or do and still do. This article I just thought of to write is about yours and my writing skills. |
INSPIRATIONPurpose MattersDoes anything really matter to you or to me? You know I didn’t aspire to be a motivational speaker, writer or what have you. |
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